ALABA, K.E (2019) W0MEN ROLES IN PRECOLONIAL AND COMTEMPORARY TIMES A CASE STUDY OF YOURUBA LAND. In: Women in Technical Education & Employment (WITED), Ilaro Chapter., 13th – 16th August, 2019, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

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Women hold a key position in the family. Their roles go beyond just bearing children. They are generally regarded as important educators of children. Women in the pre-colonial era are agriculturist, they play active roles in planting of crops, harvesting, processing into finished goods and also took part in sales of the produce. However, through this enormous role, they contributed to the dietary staple of the family and national economy. In the precolonial era women are seen as child bearers because of their unique biological make up, which enable them to suckle children, they are relegated to the realm of marriage, motherhood and domesticity. Women constituted the majority of illiterate in Nigeria as they are denied education, as families prefer to train male children in school who will carry on the family name and not females who will be married to another family. In this contemporary time, women are educated, hold key positions in various spheres of life such as ministers, commissioners, senators , captains of industries, members of parliament, CEO of corporate organizations both national and international and the latest being the appointment of Eng. Mrs. Ogunfayo as the first female deputy rector of the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro. In conclusion, women have contributed much in political, social and economic activities in the society. Every aspect of the society benefitted when women are involved greatly. All country can reach its potential as long as women potential to participate are not denied.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences
Depositing User: Mr Taiwo Egbeyemi
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2020 11:02
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2020 11:02
URI: http://eprints.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng/id/eprint/627

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